Saturday, June 9, 2012

First Steps and A Rock & Roll Headbanger!

I think one of the coolest thing about raising the bebes is watching their little personalities grow. But even cooler than that is the fact that there personalities start developing their personalities before they are even born. Blake has always been an active little guy. Even before he was born he could not stop moving. My tummy was always doing summersaults, and it was so funny to watch it change shapes. That fact did not change after he was born. He has been very anxious to be on the move, and took his first steps at exactly 8 and a half months. For about a week it was only a step or two before he would fall down. After about a week of that he took 5 steps, the next day it was 6 steps, and the day afer that it was 7. He's still only up to 7 steps, but I think he'll be running before I know it. He turns 9 months old next week and I just can't believe how fast he's growing up!

Blake has learned another cool trick this week. I'm not sure where this came from, but Blake now nods/headbangs. He is so funny! He thinks it's pretty great when someone nods back at him, so my neck is killing me from knodding back. I have also found that I need to sing to him while he's eating. Our songs usually start with "I am a child of God" and end with "I love Rock & Roll" (well, about 2 lines of it because that's all I know). It is pretty much impossible to sing that song without headbanging, and Blake has picked that up. So whenever I start singing it he bobs his head with me. I really do not think I could love this kid anymore! I can't wait to see what this next month holds for him!

My First 5K

I ran my first 5K over Memorial Day Weekend. It was not something that I EVER thought that I would do. I have some pretty awesome girlfriends from my ward here in Loveland who talked me into it, and I am very glad that they did! Everything except for the running part was a ton of fun! I was a little miserable during the actual run, but after I felt pretty accomplished. I don't think I could have run a more serious a 5k, but the  COLOR RUNwas totally laid back. What is a 5K you ask? It's a race where every "k" you reach, they cover you with color! It was so much fun! Thank you ladies for talking me into running it!

Before the Race!

And After

Mother's Day

This post is way overdue. I have been meaning to write this for weeks but time has gotten away from me! I was thoroughly spoiled for my first real Mother's day. The weekend started out with a special treat. Jon got up with Blake and took him to run Mother's day errands and I was able to sleep in and then scrub my bathrooms in piece. It was totally blissful. Sunday morning I got breakfast in bed and Blake bought me a cute little "Mom" necklace and Jon got us tickets to go see WICKED the following weekend. After church on Sunday we went over to my sister's house to celebrate with my mom. We had a yummy dinner and it was so fun to just hang out (but we missed your Court and Steph!) The next weekend Jon and I dropped Blake off with Jon's sister in Denver and went to eat at the Cheesecake Factory! So yummy. I took pictures on my phone and then lost my phone (okay, not so much lost as it was run over by a car), so the pictures are gone. It's been a long time since Jon and I have been able to have a whole evening out on the town like that. I'm so grateful for all the family in our lives who help watch Blake for me. We are pretty blessed. Wicked was incredible! It was Jon's first time seeing it and I loved watching him experience for the first time. After the show we went back to the Cheesecake Factory to actually get some Cheesecake. Yum, now I'm craving it! It was a pretty perfect weekend. Thanks Hubby for the amazing gift! Now how am I going to top that for Father's Day???