Tuesday, May 15, 2012

8 Months Old!

Little Peanut is 8 months old!

Blakey's 8 month Interview:
Favorite Food- Apples and Cherries... or paper. Paper is good too.
Favorite Toy- Spoons!
Favorite Pastime- Playing with people! I love to be with people, any kind of people.
New Words- I (finally) started saying "Mamma"!
New Developments- Standing! I like to pull myself up on things and try to stand by myself. I can only do it for about 15 seconds at a time right now, but I'm practicing. I also love to DANCE! Mom and Dad think it's pretty funny. And just today I started to pop through my bottom 2 teethies!
I can't believe he is already 8 months old! The 1st birthday party planning has officially begun. I am SO excited! This boy seriously melts my heart every day! His smile is to DIE for! I love that he is such a people person and wants to chat with anyone and everyone. He has started to follow me around the house and it is getting pretty difficult to keep things out of his mouth. It has now become impossible to load or unload the dishwasher while he is awake because he climbs up and unloads things and sticks them in his mouth.
I love having my buddy around all day. It's so sweet to have someone who loves me unconditionally (okay, 2 somebodys. I'm so grateful for my hubby's unconditional love, but unfortunately he's old and smart enough to know if I'm singing completely off key or smell or have makeup smeared on my face). I love that Blake smiles whenever I sing to him, even if I get all of the words wrong. I love that he giggles when I am being TOTALLY ridiculous. And as frustrating as it gets sometimes, I love that he wants to do everything I  do and that I can't so much as eat or pee without him being a part of it. Ohh I love this boy!
How cute is he!?
My little stinker! I tried to get myself some breakfast and came back to find this! (Sorry about the messy table. This was durning finals week, a lot of housework got pushed to the side that week)
Getting ready to go to his cousin's 2nd birthday party. He is seriously the coolest kid!

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